Lee Mae Spence

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Did you know that you're a mirror?

A mirror needs light to see reflection.

When you see yourself and notice your needs, you in turn give permission to others to do the same, or begin to be curious on what that means.

When you allow someone or people to see you, like for real see you as a multidimensional being, you reflect in others that it’s okay for them to show who they are too.

The beauty of being a mirror is that you reflect and inspire.

I am truly touched by the folks who joined our first in person breathwork circle this past Saturday as it rained and poured.

Tbh I almost cried 4x because I truly felt everyone showing who they are in their own expression.

This is the beauty of connecting in with your heart space led by spirit.

The intention of both upcoming in person breathwork circles are to tap into your playful creative energy, to welcome it in and bask in it.

What does that look like for you?

Are you splashing in puddles with splash pants on? Are you building a fort with your friends or relatives? Catching frogs?

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